Image of committee members reviewing and discussing draft documents


Standard setting

The creation of robust, measurable, and fit-for-purpose standards that promote safer and more sustainable farming is only possible if all value chain participants are engaged in the development process. As part of this, all of our major standards and add-ons undergo transparent and comprehensive public consultation.

Smart farm assurance solutions – fit for the future

Currently in development

To remain at the forefront of responsible farming practices and continue to offer high-quality and fit-for-purpose farm assurance solutions to stakeholders, the GLOBALG.A.P. portfolio of standards and add-ons is regularly updated. In collaboration with value chain members, our transparent public consultation process enables us to capture feedback from across the relevant sector and build on the scientific baseline provided by our technical experts.

Social Responsibility standard (for flowers and ornamentals)

Learn more about the development process and public consultation schedule for the new Social Responsibility standard for flowers and ornamentals.

Standards in development

Image of a producer in a field monitoring environmental metrics

Environmental sustainability solution

Learn more about the development process and public consultation schedule for the new environmental sustainability solution.

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Image of a worker harvesting lettuce in a field

Workers’ well-being standard

Learn more about the development process and public consultation schedule for the new workers’ well-being standard.

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Image of a combine harvester working in a field of wheat

Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) v6 for combinable crops

Learn more about the development process and public consultation schedule for the revised IFA v6 for combinable crops.

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Image of young flower seedlings

Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) v6 for plant propagation material

Learn more about the development process and public consultation schedule for the revised IFA v6 for plant propagation material.

Read more

Upcoming public consultations

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By the industry, for the industry

How are GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons developed?

GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons are driven by our stakeholders around the world, and therefore reflect both market needs and the daily realities of producers on the ground. Standards and add-ons are developed according to four key principles: widespread participation, scientific expertise, harmonization, and continuous improvement. This approach ensures that we continue to innovate in collaboration with stakeholders, involving all participants in the value chain to create robust, realistic, and cost-efficient farm assurance solutions.

What are the key principles of standard development?

Image of team members arranging jigsaw pieces to find a solution


GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons are developed in collaboration with representative stakeholder groups, including technical committees, focus groups, and others. Public consultation ensures that as many people as possible can submit feedback on the draft documents.

Image of technical expert analyzing plant health inside a floriculture greenhouse


We invite a range of technical and legal experts to collaborate on standard and add-on content. This involves the review of scientific studies, international norms, and existing sector-specific standards to understand the latest best practice developments in responsible farming.

Image of a stakeholder searching for the latest updates of a document


Before developing a new standard or add-on, we evaluate existing standards offered by other schemes to see if cooperation or benchmarking is practical. This limits duplication, minimizes the audit burden for producers, and helps retailers identify new suppliers that meet their requirements.

Image of wooden blocks assembled to represent expert input and progress

Continuous improvement

We are committed to ensuring the consistent implementation and integrity of our solutions. Feedback mechanisms are integrated into the development process and serve the ongoing improvement of the GLOBALG.A.P. certification system in all aspects.

What is public consultation?

When developing GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons, we want to receive as much input and feedback as possible.

With producers based in more than 130 countries around the world, and stakeholders covering every part of the supply chain, the public consultation process supports our efforts to create standards and add-ons that are both fit for purpose now and built with the future in mind.

It also helps to uphold transparency in development and decision-making, with stakeholder-driven GLOBALG.A.P. solutions now representing the leading portfolio of smart farm assurance solutions worldwide.

Who contributes to the development of GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons?

Producer 1, Producer, farmer, stakeholder, supply chain, farm-level, smallholder
Producers and CBs

may be invited to participate in field trials. This provides valuable practical feedback on the feasibility and functionality of new standards and add-ons.

Technical experts 1, Technical experts, committees, focus groups, GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat, governance, industry, strategy, Benchmarking Committees
The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat

leads the development process, guided by the relevant technical experts and latest industry insights.

Recognition 1, Recognition, industry, sector, alignment, harmonization, accepted, GFSI, GSSI, FSI, WWF, SIFAV, FDA
The technical committees

must recommend the final version of the standard or add-on to the GLOBALG.A.P. Advisory Board before it can be considered for adoption.

Strategy 3, Strategy, collaboration, discussion, peer review, decision-making, technical experts
The technical committees and focus groups

provide specific input from their area of expertise, reviewing and collaborating on the draft documents with the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat.

Governance 1, Governance, Advisory Board, community membership, members, committees
The GLOBALG.A.P. Advisory Board

(with 50:50 representation from the producer/supplier and retail/food service categories) decides on the adoption of the standard or add-on. The standard or add-on is then prepared for launch.

Consultation 1, Consultation, input, feedback, exchange, alignment, CBC, other committee, certification body committee
The general public

– including producers, CBs, retailers, and NGOs – are invited to comment on the draft documents during public consultation periods. GLOBALG.A.P. Community Members and NTWGs are also invited to give feedback.

How does the development process work?

Share your experience!

Are you already part of our mission to foster the global adoption of safer and more sustainable farming practices? We would love to hear from you!

Submit a testimonial about working with GLOBALG.A.P. for a chance to be featured on our website and social media channels – with more than 80,000 followers across five platforms.

Latest news

Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI)  Basket of Standards

06 March 2025

GLOBALG.A.P. solutions soon to cover all three FSI “Basket of Standards” pillars

The Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI) aims to promote responsible sourcing in the floriculture sector through its Basket of Standards. This framework helps flower and ornamental plant producers to meet environmental, social, and GAP criteria.

Flowers and ornamentals
Social Responsibility
Add-ons to core solutions
Core solutions
Workers’ well-being

27 February 2025

Provision Analytics joins GLOBALG.A.P. Community Membership

Provision’s software supports the preparation for and audit process of GLOBALG.A.P. smart farm assurance standards.

Capacity building
Food safety
Image of GLOBALG.A.P. solutions icons on marketing materials

Explore our solutions

Check out our complete portfolio for more information on the current range of GLOBALG.A.P. farm assurance solutions – advancing safer and more sustainable farming worldwide!

Transparency in the development process

Past public consultations

View the list of past public consultations and download related documents including summaries of version changes and summaries of responses from the technical experts. The collective development of GLOBALG.A.P. standards and add-ons harnesses insight from across the relevant value chain. This supports our mission of fostering the global adoption of safe, socially and environmentally responsible farming practices by providing industry-leading, cost-efficient, and value-adding assurance and benchmarking solutions.


Image of a customer support agent advising a stakeholder

Contact us

For questions about standard setting, please contact us at